Financial and Banking Sector
(banks, off-exchange market, stock auction organizers, credit institutions)
About two thirds of all financial transactions keep rolling out off-exchange market. Mira offers an innovative proprietary platform for running over-the-counter transactions and accepting cryptocurrency to serve as collateral (with the possibility of arbitration, but excluding the withdrawal of assets).
What are the benefits:
- Highly secured transactions. Banks don't have an access to assets until the terms of the smart contract are met. It means that the client is securely protected against any fraud from the third-parties.
- The reception of cryptocurrency and tokens as a bank guarantee or a surety bond in a case of b2b and p2b operations.
- The reception capacity of cryptocurrency as collateral.
- Sale of cryptocurrency.
- Derivatives Programming: creation of decentralized futures, options and forwards. Terms and conditions shall be set in the visual composer of smart contracts.
- Reputation: the third parties don't have an access to assets in order to withdraw them, just an arbitrability option.
- Adoption and use of blockchain technology in the businesses from real economy.
The commission of third parties (arbitrators) is indicated in the Mira platform while creating transactions. It is transparent for all participants of a deal.
Use cases:
- Over-the-counter pending order / forward-delivery - are used in cases of outsourcing or contract management, when the deal requires some time, and the contracting authority doesn not want to bear the risks. Funds are placed to MiraBox. The "arbitrator" can transfer funds to any of the parties of agreement, but does not possess any possibility enables the withdrawal of funds independently, without having applied for such a permit.
- The reception of cryptocurrency as collateral. It is proposed to create a MiraBox, in which collateral cryptocurrency is placed. Only the creditor can open the content of the MiraBox if the borrower does not return the funds by strictly specified dates and terms.